Once bought, you can download the guide directly on the checkout page at the top. If you don’t download it at that moment, don’t worry. You’ll receive a purchase confirmation e-mail. Just click on the product and you can download it again. You have a lifetime access to the link.
Once I update the ebook, you’ll receive a new link by email. Make sure to add to your contact list so it doesn’t end up in the spam box.
The access process is detailed step-by-step on the guide, but you can also refer yourself to the Google Maps tutorial right here. Your Gmail address must be added manually by myself to grant you access to the map. I strive to process all orders as quickly as possible, and most maps are delivered within a few hours. However, in rare cases, please allow up to 48 hours for the process to be completed. You’ll receive an email with the map link. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The map is available on mobile, tablet and computer. You’ll need wifi or 4G to read it.
Yes, the map will be read on any mobile/device with Google Maps.
Due to the digital nature of the product, I do not accept returns or won’t do any refunds.
Payments can be done via Stripe or Apple Pay. Cards like Visa, MasterCard et American Express are accepted. All prices are in Euro (€).